Role & Opportunities for a Voice Artist

What is the role of a Voice Artist and the opportunities waiting for you in the Voice Industry?


You fall in love with an advertisement because of the impact or message it delivers, the way the actors enacted the story and expressed their emotions with regard to the product.

You would have loved a certain movie dialogue, the very eclectic emotion at that point of delivery, just fires you up to re-enact or mimic those very words in complete action.

You would love the narration by a celebrity voice which is so identifiable, desirable and mesmerizing, that you wish you sounded just like that. It’s the Voice that stands out undoubtedly.

Which all boils down to the versatility of that unique voice, being able to recreate the very moment is the artistry of the voice artist. Whether it’s a serial or even an animated series they all need a voice, a voice that stands out behind the story or characters, a voice that is special and characteristic to the essence of the story.  The voice is the theatre of the mind and a Voice Over Artist is the one using their voice in numerous ways to engage with, be it a town hall meeting, a presentation, a ted talk, an IVR, an event, a classroom or even a front desk, there will always be a voice at the forefront that enraptures and builds a relationship with his or her audience. These/voice actors /voice artists//auditory performers etc. are the voices behind it all.


A voice artist would have gone through hours of voice training or coaching, to understand the kind of voices required in the market for the various platforms you would lend your voice to.

So when it comes to understanding your voice or how to be a voice over artist? Ask what are you looking for in a voice? Well! it would be under these key factors of quality, texture, pitch, tone, tempo, proficiency in the language, expression, dialect, accents and voice modulation.

A voice coach would be the ideal trainer or mentor to guide you into this industry of voicing.

Picking up the nuances and learning the techniques, to be able to modulate your voice accordingly and professionally with regard to the requirements of a brief or a client.


In perspective what are the essential factors a voice artist needs to be equipped with, even as a new voice artist getting into the voice industry? We would say:

Identify those voice enabled areas that suit your voice.

Identify your style of voicing and your potential.

Identify your skill sets

Confidence in your voicing abilities is absolutely imperative.

Identify techniques of delivery.

Understanding technical jargon and equipment.

Voicing should come effortlessly to you.

Confidence in the spoken language.

Love and respect for your voice.

Voicing requires a tremendous amount of patience and energy.

Voicing requires commitment and dedication.

There needs to be a Passion to voice.


Clients will look for different voices, so a particular voice will be preferred over another voice depending on what the client has visualized in his or her story board/script. Never give up if your voice hasn’t been approved for a particular project, it doesn’t mean your voice is not good, it just means you didn’t fit the requirement.

Post and pre Covid you would have experienced a crazy trajectory of personal, professional, and training videos being made and consumed in the market, where content is being voiced every second, it’s time to get on the bandwagon today and be heard, you never know what more lies ahead for you and your beautiful voice.

We believe at G-Corp Media everyone has a voice, every voice is unique, you just have to find the fit.

The different kind of opportunities available for a voice over artist are numerous, the voicing industry is expanding every day and with the onslaught of OTT platforms and Social Media  there’s a dearth of platforms you can voice for here’s just the icing on the cake:





Audio Books


Video Games




Radio-Hosts Promos, Commercials

TV-Hosts, Promos, Commercials etc.

Training Modules

OTT Platforms

Online- News, Entertainment, Products etc.

Company Profiles





Digital Content -YouTube, etc.

Social Media- FB, Instagram etc.




Telecom Industry

Training & Education

Interviews & Chats

Music – Singing

Theatre-Drama, Broadway, Musicals


Leadership Talks







Well! this is just a quick glance at the gamut of areas available in the Voice industry, if you are a budding voice artist or would like to step foot into this amazing career option, G Corp Media has a professional training academy, with decades of experience in coaching and training, that can help you start and grow into that professional voice artist you dream of becoming.

Get in touch with us for more details on recording or training in our recording studios for your audio-visual work.

Contact: 9324011612

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