How To Start A Career As A Voice Over Artist?

Voiceover artists have overrun every aspect of our life, their application exists in a majority of professions. The announcements in trains and metros as you go home are the work of a voice artist, the explainer videos in your corporate workplaces are performed by voice artists, and the advertisements in the TVs and radios in your homes are also voiced by voiceover artists. Thus, in a time like this, becoming a voiceover artist is a very lucrative career option.


Here are the steps in which you can go about starting your career in this industry:


  1. Practice

There are no academic inroads into this field and thus there are no set courses for voice over art. Sure, you can always complete as many certificate courses as you want, but these will never give you an upper hand against an artist with an impressive portfolio of past projects. Start by developing your own voice. You have to practice every day on your phone, record your voice, see whether it is up to your own expectations and remove any faults it might have through trial and error. You can refer to YouTube tutorials, but it is recommended to get some personal and immediate feedback on the quality of your voice. You can attend voiceover classes for this purpose.


  1. Develop a home setup

The biggest advantage of being a voiceover artist is the convenience it affords you. You can complete as many projects as you like all from the comfort of your home, as long as you have all the right hardware to produce the desired result. Here is what you will need:

  • A dynamic microphone
  • A laptop or desktop computer
  • A good quality headphone
  • A soundcard to connect all your hardware
  • A silent environment
  • (Optional) A soundproof booth, proper or makeshift one. You may start with a make shift booth. There are multiple innovative ways of doing this temporary setup using household items like pillows, cushions, blankets, quilts, wooden cupboards, cardboard boxes, etc. Once you get a regular stream of work, you may want to invest in a proper recording booth.
  • A sound editing and recording software (Audacity, Adobe Auditions, Pro Tools, etc). You must also have knowledge in using these software programs, since this boosts speed and productivity.


  1. Building a portfolio/demo reel

A demo showreel displaying all your talents in voiceovers, dubbings or maybe even mimicry can show any potential client how versatile you can be, that you can undertake a variety of projects. Keep a template for sending this showreel along with an email ready. Start posting your voice demo reel on online voiceover service providers and employment listings like Just Dial, Fiverr,, etc.


Now despite these steps being listed above being quite obvious, it is natural to have more questions regarding the field. You may want to approach G-Corp Media. Not only will you get all your queries answered but you can get classes in how to start your journey into voiceovers and everything related.

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