Can You Make Money As A Voiceover Artist?

Let’s say that you are passionate about becoming a voiceover artist and wish to dedicate the better part of your life lending your voice to projects of all kinds, but can you also making a living out of it? What does it take to become a voice artist of earning calibre? How should you go about marketing yourself in this industry? Are voice artist jobs scarce or abundant in the region you live in? There are many such criteria you need to consider before you to take any effort towards this decision, here is a list of things you should contemplate:

  1. What kinds of projects do you wish to undertake?: There is wide assortment of voice over artist work available at varying rates such as Interactive Voice Response(IVR) work, animation and live action movie dubbings, voiceovers in different genres for commercials, documentaries, explainer videos and much more. There are different rates that are applied to each such project and you must choose smartly which of these you should develop your expertise in, so that you maximise your voice over artist salary. This also is dependent on the location, the kind of place you live in which gives rise to different kinds needs from people, research the needs people have in the place you are going to operate.
  2. The amount of experience matters: A fresh entrant in the voice scene might not get paid as much as a veteran in the industry, for the obvious reason of expertise but also for the difference that the veteran has created an extensive profile and has established his value as a premium artist. This makes it easier for one to quote a higher price for your services. A seasoned professional also knows how to work with differential pricing on a diverse range of projects. The more you deal with clients, the better you will understand their needs and to monetarily quantify your services.
  3. Advertise yourself: There are many websites that can give you a lot of exposure with regards to getting more projects. There is a plentitude of voice over artist jobs on platforms such as Fiverr, Upwork, and many more such sites. You will be able to post your own profile on these websites along with your voice samples and determine your own voice artist weekly salary. The one major advantage of these platforms is they allow you to accept the occasional voice over artist remote jobs that can afford the artist a higher mobility work-wise and it helps you accept foreign projects too.

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